Plant balance
The nuclear chain reaction in the reactor core produces energy in the form of heat, as the fission fragments slow down and dissipate their kinetic energy in the fuel. This heat must be removed efficiently and at the same rate it is being generated in order to prevent overheating of the core and to transport the energy outside the core, where it can be converted to a convenient form for further utilization. The energy transferred to the coolant, as it flows past the fuel element, is stored in it in the form of sensible heat and pressure and is called the enthalpy of the fluid. In an electric power plant, the energy stored in the fuel is further converted to kinetic energy through a device called a prime mover which, in the case of nuclear reactors, is predominantly a steam turbine. Another conversion takes place in the electric generator, where kinetic energy is converted into electric power as the final energy form to be distributed to the consumers through the power grid and distribution system.
Fluid flow and hydrodynamics
Because heat removal must be accomplished as efficiently as possible, considerable attention must be given to fluid-flow and hydrodynamic characteristics of the system. The heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the fluid at the temperature of operation have a fundamental effect upon the design of the reactor system. The heat capacity determines the mass flow of the coolant required. The fluid properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity, density, and specific heat) are important in determining the surface area required for the fuel—in particular, the number and arrangement of the fuel elements. These factors combine to establish the pumping characteristics of the system because the pressure drop and coolant temperature rise in the core are directly related.
Thermal stress
The temperature of the reactor coolant increases as it circulates through the reactor core. Fluctuations in power level or in coolant flow rate result in variations in the temperature rise. A reactor is capable of very rapid changes in power level, particularly reduction in power level, which is a safety feature of the plant. Reactors are equipped with mechanisms (reactor scram systems) to ensure rapid shutdown of the system in the event of leaks, failure of power conversion systems, or other operational abnormalities. Therefore, reactor coolant , viscosity, density systems must be designed to accommodate the temperature transients that may occur because of rapid power changes. In addition, they must be designed to accommodate temperature transients that might occur as a result of a coolant system malfunction, such as pump stoppage.
Coolant system components
The development of reactor systems has the led to the development of special components for reactor component systems. Because of hazard of radioactivity, leak-tight systems and components are a prerequisite to safe, reliable operation, and maintenance. Special problems are introduced by many of the fluids employed as reactor coolants.
More extensive component developments have been required for sodium, which is chemically active and is an extremely poor lubricant. Centrifugal pumps employing unique bearings and seals have been specially designed. Sodium is an excellent electrical conductor and, in some special cases, electromagnetic-type pumps have been used. These pumps are completely sealed, contain no moving parts, and derive their pumping action from electromagnetic forces imposed directly on the fluid.