Environmental management
Environmental Management is not, as the phrase
could suggest, the management of the environment as such but rather the
management of man's interaction with and impact upon the environment. The
three main issues that affect managers are issues involving politics (networking),
programs (projects), and resources (i.e. money, facilities, etc). The need
for environmental management can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. A
more common philosophy and impetus behind environmental management is the
concept of carrying capacity. Simply put, carrying capacity refers to the
maximum number of organisms a particular resource can sustain. The concept
of carrying capacity, whilst understood by many cultures over history, has
its roots in Malthusian theory. Environmental management is therefore not
the conservation of the environment solely for the environment's sake, but
rather the conservation of the environment for humankind's sake. This
element of sustainable exploitation, getting the most out of natural assets,
is visible in the EU Water Framework Directive.
Environmental management involves the management of all components of the
bio-physical environment, both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic).
This is due to the interconnected network of relationships amongst all
living species and their habitats. The environment also involves the
relationships of the human environment, such as the social, cultural and
economic environment with the bio-physical environment.
As with all management functions, effective management tools, standards and
systems are required. An environmental management standard or system or
protocol attempts to reduce environmental impact as measured by some
objective criteria. The ISO 14001 standard is the most widely used standard
for environmental risk management and is closely aligned to the European Eco
Management & Audit Scheme (EMAS). As a common auditing standard, the ISO
19011 standard explains how to combine this with quality management. The UK
has developed a phased standard (BS8555) that can help smaller companies
move to ISO 14001 in six manageable steps.
Other environmental management systems tend to be based on this standard and
to extend it in various ways:
The Natural Step focuses on basic sustainability criteria and helps focus
engineering on reducing use of materials or energy use that is unsustainable
in the long term
Natural Capitalism advises using accounting reform and a general biomimicry
and industrial ecology approach to do the same thing
US Environmental Protection Agency has many further terms and standards that
it defines as appropriate to large-scale EMS.[citation needed]
The UN and World Bank has encouraged adopting a "natural capital"
measurement and management framework.[citation needed]
The European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
Other strategies exist that rely on making simple distinctions rather than
building top-down management "systems" using performance audits and full
cost accounting. For instance, Ecological Intelligent Design divides
products into consumables, service products or durables and unsaleables -
toxic products that no one should buy, or in many cases, do not realize they
are buying. By eliminating the unsaleables from the comprehensive outcome of
any purchase, better environmental management is achieved without "systems".