Core design control
A typical reactor core for a power reactor consists of the fuel element rods supported by a grid-type structure inside vessel. Structural materials employed in reactor systems must possess suitable nuclear and physical properties and must be compatible with the reactor coolant under the conditions of operation. The most common structural materials employed in reactor systems are stainless steel and zirconium alloys. Zirconium alloys have favorable nuclear and physical properties, whereas stainless steel has favorable physical properties. Aluminum is widely used in low-temperature test and research reactors; zirconium and stainless steel are used in high-temperature power reactors. Zirconium is relatively expensive, and its use is therefore confined to applications in the reactor core where neutron absorption is important.
Reactors maintain a separation of fuel and coolant by cladding the fuel. The cladding is designed to prevent the release of radioactivity from the fuel. The cladding material must be compatible with both the fuel and the coolant.
The cladding materials must also have favorable nuclear properties. The neutron-capture cross section is most significant because the unwanted absorption of neutrons by these materials reduces efficiency of the nuclear fission process. Aluminum is a very desirable material in this respect; however, its physical strength and corrosion resistance in water decrease very rapidly above about 300°F (149°C).
Zirconium has favorable neutron properties, and in addition is corrosion-resistant in high-temperature water. It has found extensive use in water-cooled power reactors. Stainless steel is used for the fuel cladding in fast reactors, in some light-water reactors for which neutron captures are less important.
A reactor is critical when the rate of production of neutrons equals the rate of absorption in the system. The control of reactors requires the continuing measurement and adjustment of the critical condition. The neutrons are produced by the fission process and are consumed in a variety of ways, including absorption to cause fission, nonfission capture in fissionable materials, capture in fertile materials, capture in structure or coolant, and leakage from the reactor to the shielding. A reactor is subcritical (power level decreasing) if the number of neutrons produced is less than the number consumed. The reactor is supercritical (power level increasing) if the number of neutrons produced exceeds the number consumed.
Reactors are controlled by adjusting the balance between neutron production and neutron consumption. Normally, neutron consumption is controlled by varying the absorption or leakage of neutrons; however, the neutron generation rate also can be controlled by varying the amount of fissionable material in the system.
The reactor control system requires the movement of neutron-absorbing rods (control rods) in the reactor under carefully controlled conditions. They must be arranged to increase reactivity (increase neutron population) slowly and under good control. They must be capable of reducing reactivity, both rapidly and slowly.
The control drives can be operated by the reactor operator or by automatic control systems. Reactor scram (rapid reactor shutdown) can be initiated automatically by a wide variety of system scram-safety signals, or it can be started by the operator depressing a scram button in the control room.
Control drives are electromechanical or hydraulic devices that impart in-and-out motion to the control rods. They are usually equipped with a relatively slow-speed reversible drive system for normal operational control. Scram is usually effected by a high-speed overriding drive accompanied by disconnecting the main drive system.