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Computer-aided software engineering

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CASE (in full computer-aided software engineering )is the use of computers in designing sophisticated tools to aid the software engineer and to automate the software development process as possible. It is particularly useful where major software products are designed by teams of engineers who may not the same physical space. CASE tools can be used for simple operations such routine coding from an appropriately detailed design in a specific programming , or for more complex tasks such as incorporating an expert system to enforce design rules and eliminate software defects and redundancies before the coding .
Systems engineering is the technique of using knowledge from various branches of engineering and science to introduce technological into the planning and development stages of a system. Systems engineering was first applied to the organization of commercial telephone systems in . Many systems-engineering techniques were developed during World War II in an effort to military equipment more efficiently. Postwar growth in the field was spurred by advances in electronic systems and by the development of computers and theory. Systems engineering usually involves incorporating new technology into complex, man-made systems, in which a change in one part many others. One tool used by systems engineers is the flowchart, which shows the system in graphic form, with geometric figures representing various subsystems and arrows representing their . Other tools include mathematical models, probability theory, statistical analysis, and computer .














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