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The battery is the primary "source" of energy on vehicles. It stores chemicals, not electricity. Two different types of lead in an acid mixture react to produce an electrical pressure. This electrochemical reaction changes energy to electrical energy.
Battery Functions:
1. ENGINE OFF: Battery energy is used to operate the lighting and accessory systems.
2. ENGINE STARTING: Battery energy is used to operate the motor and to provide current for the ignition system during cranking.
3. ENGINE RUNNING: Battery energy may be needed when the vehicle's electrical load requirements exceed the supply from the system. In addition, the battery also serves as a voltage stabilizer, or large filter, by absorbing abnormal, transient voltages in the vehicle's electrical system. Without this protection, certain electrical or electronic could be damaged by these high voltages.
Battery Types
1. PRIMARY CELL: The chemical reaction totally destroys one of the metals after a period of time. Small batteries for flashlights and radios are primary cells.
2. SECONDARY CELLS: The metals and acid change as the battery supplies voltage. The metals become similar, the acid strength weakens. This is called discharging. By applying current to the battery in the opposite direction, the battery materials can be restored. This is called charging . Automotive batteries are secondary cells.
3. WET-CHARGED: The lead-acid battery is filled with electrolyte and charged when it is built. During storage, a slow chemical reaction will self-discharge. Periodic charging is required.
4. DRY-CHARGED: The battery is built, charged, washed and dried, sealed, and shipped without electrolyte. It can be stored for 12 to .18 months. When put into use, it requires adding and charging.
5. LOW-MAINTENANCE: Such batteries are built to reduce internal heat and water . The addition of water should only be required every 15,000 miles or so.
The battery is one of the most important on a vehicle today.























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